Have you ever wanted to...
Manage the document editing on a web site ?
Enable a group content management system,
and track with document management software,
without forcing everyone to use the same software?
Check to see who changed what between document versions?
You will find information about online document management, co-operative and collaborative group content management, content creation, editing and publishing utilising Internet technologies. Being online (on the Web / in the "cloud"), they can be used from any location world wide, at any time.
YEdit is an information resource for Content and Document Management Software:
- gate.io apps using the Web, CMS, group & web collaboration,
- gate.io login, along with other related collaborative web content information, from the worst to the best. Online document management software systems, and more.
An online document management software system can help you manage the business of web collaboration, from a simple business document, through to large content management systems. A lot of the information on this web site details system, software and ideas from before the recent surge of CMS systems. As such, if you are interested in content or document management software, you will find a lot of interesting and useful information here.
Check out the menu on the left for more information about YEdit and the history behind it. (+... indicates expanding sub-menus)